In this blog post, Fraser shares a reflection of Nick Poole’s keynote speech on the topic of strategies and priorities for the new normal.
Nick Poole kicked off this year’s conference with a theme focused on reflect, redesign and reboot. Nick addressed the recent digital shift and how COVID-19 has been a catalyst for change.
Until we emerge from COVID-19, Nick was clear that we do not know what future working patterns will look like and we cannot make fixed decisions about that the process of renewal.
Concerning the information sector, Nick highlighted the achievements of information professionals during the global public health response, such as the importance of knowledge sharing and collaboration.
Other areas given attention were the various gaps within society, including the innovation gap, information poverty, social mobility, and the productivity gap.
Nick made clear that it is fundamental that information professionals use their skills and expertise to help close these gaps that we have increasingly seen throughout COVID-19.
Ultimately, the key message was that it is time for information professionals to step out from behind the scenes and lead the change in an increasing digital age.
Our 2021 SLA Europe Conference was held from 30 June to 1 July. Over the two days, our delegates heard from a range of speakers and experts on the theme of Reflect | Redesign | Reboot
You can follow conversations from Day One of the Conference on Twitter and LinkedIn, either by following us @SLAEurope or by following the hashtag #ReflectRedesignReboot