2019 SLA Europe Conference

Our first SLA Europe conference was hosted by the University of Cambridge and took place on 5 to 6 September 2019.

With over 60 participants, our first conference was a highly successful event covering a wide range of areas of interest to information professionals. It was a fantastic opportunity to learn about current developments and good practice, make professional contacts across Europe, and network with colleagues from other organisations.


The SLA Europe Conference was thoroughly well organised with ample consideration for accessibility (ensuring speakers had access to microphones) and privacy (red lanyards assigned to delegates who didn’t wish to be photographed and purple lanyards to SLA staff so they could be easily identified). The talks were an interesting range – from predator publishing in academia, competitive intelligence in the business world, an RDA cataloguing workshop, to a mindfulness meditation session.

Feedback from a conference delegate

Keynote speakers

Opening keynote – ‘A practical model for distributed digital leadership’, Cerys Hearsey, Principal & Lead Consultant at Post*Shift

Closing keynote – ‘The future is behind us’, Simon Chaplin, Director of Culture & Society at the Wellcome Trust

Conference programme

Our full Conference programme complete with abstracts is available to download.

Conference sponsors

We are grateful to OpenAthens and Statista, who supported our first conference as Gold Sponsors, with Research Information as our media partner.

OpenAthens makes accessing knowledge through a single sign-on simple. It means people can quickly and easily find the information they’re looking for. This leads to more time, smarter ways of working and unlocks the potential to achieve great things! Plus, with stats on usage, libraries can optimise the way they work.

Statista operates one of the leading statistics portals worldwide. Via their website, Statista provides access to statistics on more than 80,000 topics from 170 different industries and therefore is a unique resource on the web about numbers, dates and statistics. Aggregated from over 22,500 sources, the platform provides direct access to more than 1,000,000 statistics.   

Research Information is a global publication for the scholarly publishing community – it is read by librarians and information professionals, academic authors and researchers, and members of the wider industry including publishers and other commercial vendors. The ever-shifting sands of scholarly publishing provide a rich source of informed opinion and content within the magazine, which is published six times a year. As well as the print magazine, their website showcases web-exclusive news, products, and viewpoints, and there is a regular email newsletter.

Conference organisers

We are grateful to the following SLA Europe volunteers who were able to make our first Conference a huge success.

Conference committee

John Coll (Co-Chair), National Library of Scotland

Niamh Tumelty (Co-Chair), Cambridge University Libraries

Maria Angelaki, Cambridge University Libraries

Stéphane Goldstein, InformAll CIC

Shaun Kennedy, Royal College of Psychiatrists

Eve Lacey, Newnham College Library

Arthur Weiss, Aware

Programme committee

Niamh Tumelty (Chair), Cambridge University Libraries

Claire Sewell, Cambridge University Libraries

Arthur Weiss, Aware

Samuel Wiggins, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP

Local arrangements committee

Eve Lacey (Chair), Newnham College Library

Matthias Ammon, Cambridge University Libraries

Maria Angelaki, Cambridge University Libraries

Ian Bruno, Cambridge Crystallography Data Centre

Rachel Burnip, Schlumberger Gould

George Cronin, Cambridge University Libraries

Amanda Hawkes, Lucy Cavendish Library

Agnieszka Kurzeja, Cambridge University Libraries

Jo Milton, Cambridge University Libraries

Claire Sewell, Cambridge University Libraries

Charlotte Smith, Cambridge University Libraries

Daryl Tyrer, Schlumberger Gould

Sue Wellings, TWI

Conference photos